Jide 14th March 2011

TRIBUTE TO A GRAND-DAD Wow! While I write this tribute, I still find it hard to believe that am saying Good-bye. Sentences can’t express the words you told me neither would I forget how that early Saturday morning at 1:20am when my sister called crying on the phone and telling me of your departure. Is this how Grand –Dads leave their Grand-Children? I thought. Thinking about you brings back memories that would forever linger on. The depth of your love for me has shown that you cared and shared in moments of grief, confusion, joy and happiness. The lessons are innumerable, but they have been very useful and serve as a guideline for life. How I wish I could have more of them but the consolation is that these lessons will last a life time. You practiced what you taught. Your love for me showed in your choice of the good things for me. In terms of my education pursuit your suggested the best of the bests, you taught me what my teachers didn’t deem necessary. Your moral stance for integrity, diligence and hard work are legacies that will not be jettisoned. I know you are no more physically but you have left legacies that have now become an inheritance. Thank you Grand-Dad, You are a rare gem. KEEP SLEEPING, IT WILL SOON BE MORNING… Adeolu Bolarinwa Oyinlola